I want to take a minute to jot down my thoughts on my experience during the first week of reset on the PINK Method. I hope that it may help those of you just starting out to know that others went through what you are going through or to know what to expect though I am sure everyone's experience will be slightly different.
Day 1
I was very excited to start PINK but I was hungry all day long. I followed the meals suggested in the book but all I could think about was food, I was hungry but I stayed the course snacked on vegetables and tried to drink water which I hate. I made it through day one and only managed to drink about 50 ounces of water but that is 100% more than I usually drink so I was feeling pretty proud of myself. Off to bed only to wake up and face day 2.
Day 2
Today I woke up and saw some weight loss, yippy but I was hungry and craving sweets like nobodies business. I am guessing that since my body was essentially detoxing from all the CRAP I usually put into it, this is a fairly normal response but it sucked. I stuck with the plan though and suffered through the cravings and hunger. Six o'clock hit I ate my dinner, put my fork down and thought great, I am still hungry, this diet just isn't going to work. I was feeling like the food was bland and boring and I thought, I can't live on a diet being hungry and craving things all the time. On a positive note, I managed to drink a little more water today maybe 75 ounces. I did have to force it down though. I went to bed discouraged and in a bad mood.
Day 3
I woke up and weighed myself, more weight loss. I was excited by what I was seeing and I realized I had a little more energy, not so sluggish however I did have a slight headache. I drank my shake and about 3/4 of the way through I felt full. This was a new feeling, I hadn't felt full since I started this diet. I thought if I could figure out a way to make the food a little more enjoyable with more flavor, maybe I could do this. So my brain started turning and for dinner tonight, I decided to make a meal that fit the PINK blueprint rather than eat the suggested meal. I made turkey meatballs in a homemade marinara sauce served over a bed of roasted vegetables.
Recipe found here. It was good, I was able to eat a lot of food and I felt satisfied. Satisfied on a diet? Yes it is possible. I had a renewed excitement about this diet now that I was taking control of it rather than letting it take control of me. I also managed to drink my entire 100 ounces of water, a huge accomplishment but the headache, oh the headache, it was a constant all day long.
Day 4
I woke up and even more weight loss, not just a few ounces, the scale was going down like I have never experienced before. I have said before that I am not going to make my daily loss public only because I don't want other people comparing their loss to mine and getting discouraged, your journey is your journey, own it. The headache remained, it wasn't unbearable but noticeable. I had my shake, had left over meatballs for lunch and began to think about what would be for dinner that night and thought I need to share this journey with people, for the first time in my life, I was excited about a diet and I decided to blog my journey here on Losin' it with PINK. For dinner I modified the normal stuffed bell peppers I make and came up with Southwest Style Stuffed Peppers,
recipe here. They were filling, I was satisfied, I got my water down, and I felt like I had turned a corner with this diet.
Day 5
I woke up and found out I lost weight again, my headache had dulled and I felt good. I had my shake, leftover peppers for lunch and then dinner hit. At our house, Fridays are mom's night off from cooking which usually means pizza delivery, my kid's favorite meal. I ate a Chinese chicken salad for dinner but the pizza was calling me, it was saying, "ooey gooey melted cheese, eat me" I gave in and ate a few bites of cheese pizza and immediately felt guilty. However, I normally would have thought well, I messed up already so I might as well just give up and have another. This time however, I thought oh well, I can choose to wallow in guilt and have more or I can choose to move on and continue with my diet. I chose to move on, plus I drank extra water to help flush my system.
This is not my burger, I had mine without cheese, cheese is a no no on reset. |
Day 6
Feeling guilty about the pizza I figured I might not see weight loss on the scale today and I was prepared and okay with that but much to my surprise, I lost more weight, imagine my excitement. Today I knew would be a struggle though, I was going out to dinner with a friend that night and was nervous about eating out and sticking with the plan. I had a salad for lunch and thought that is probably what I would have for dinner also. We ended up at Red Robin and I thought ugh, burgers and fries, my weakness, I will never be able to eat according to plan. As I was looking over the menu I saw that they have a lettuce wrap burger, I also saw that they had grill chicken breast burgers/sandwiches, a light went off in my head and I thought what if I could get the grilled chicken breast burger and have it lettuce wrapped, that would totally fit within the reset blueprint. I asked the server and he said they would make any burger wrapped in lettuce so I was set. For my sides I chose steamed carrots and broccoli which I dipped in a tiny bit of Honey Dijon dressing, less than a tablespoon which I thought was fine. I left the restaurant feeling excited, I had found a place that I could go to eat out and stick with the plan. I took control!
Day 7
Even more weight loss = excitement! Water is now easily consumed, I have energy, not really any cravings and I am excited to continue coming up with foods that fit my eating requirements. I no longer have the headache and think I might be over the detox phase. I have never felt this way with a diet before, I am excited and feeling like I can do this. The beginning was a little rough but I encourage you all to take control, make the diet your own and I hope you will feel the same as I do.