
Thursday, April 19, 2012

Coconut Cauliflower "Rice"

I just have to share a funny story before we get to the coconut cauliflower "rice" because it is too funny. I apologize if you are friends with me on Facebook because you probably already heard about it but who cares laugh at me again, it is okay.

So I went to the gym today to run and as I start my run, I realize that I am going to have an issue with my panties. They just don't fit anymore due to the weight loss and with every step, they are rolling down my booty. So annoying but what is a girl to do? I decided to just let them do what they are going to do. Eventually they settle around my hips just under my booty. So I continue to run. Yes it was uncomfortable but I pressed on. At around the 1 mile mark I decide to pull them up so I reach down to grab said panties around my hips only to discover that not only have my panties rolled down around my hips but that they have taken my pants right along with them thus revealing my back side to the gentleman behind me on the elliptical. Yes, go ahead and laugh. I showed my full moon to a stranger. Well, you'd think I must have run screaming from the gym right? No I simply pulled up my pants, walked to the bathroom took off those granny panties and returned to finish my run commando. My old self would have been mortified but the new more confident me, thinks it is funny. That man behind me got a pretty good show if you ask me, my booty is looking pretty good these days thanks to the PINK workouts.

Coconut Cauliflower"Rice"
1 head of cauliflower
1 tbsp. minced garlic
1 tbsp. minced ginger
1/2 cup chopped yellow onion
1 tbsp. coconut oil
1/4 cup unsweetened coconut
1/2 cup coconut milk
Salt and Pepper to taste

Start by taking the cauliflower florets off the head.

Take the florets and put them in the blender or food processor.
Pulse the florets until they are chopped and resemble rice.
Add the coconut oil, onion, garlic and ginger to a large pan and saute until the onion has softened.
  Add in the cauliflower "rice" and Stir to combine.
Add in the coconut milk.

Cover and let simmer/steam for about 5-10 minutes.

Uncover and let simmer for a few more minutes just to let any standing liquid evaporate.

Taste the "rice" and add salt and pepper if you feel it is necessary.
Stir in the unsweetened coconut.
Serve with the Sticky Chicken I posted yesterday and enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing! I am only on day 3 and need some variety!
