
Friday, February 17, 2012

Finished with Phase 1 on to Phase 2

Well, I am now finished with phase 1 of the PINK method including the 4 day reset and I am starting phase 2 today. I took my after phase 1 pictures this morning and measured and let me say, I am SO pleased. This program is working for me like no other program has before. I have an excitement about it, it doesn't feel like a punishment like many other diets I have done, not sure if it is the program or simply a change in my attitude, either way I will take it.

I have not posted my weight loss totals or measurements before...stating that  didn't want others to compare to me, yet follow their own path and celebrate their own loses. I still feel that way but I got lots of emails asking how much weight I lost, what my height is, what my measurements are etc. So I have changed my view slightly on the subject, one because of the desire of people wanting to know and two because I have decided it is okay to celebrate my success, I worked hard for it and I want other's to know what is possible with the PINK method. So here you go!
Now for my measurements

Before Reset
After Reset
After Phase 1
Total loss
48 inches
45 inches
41.5 inches
6.5 inches
47 inches
45 inches
42 inches
5 inches
45 inches
44 inches
41.5 inches
3.5 inches
27 inches
26 inches
25 inches
2 inches

For a grand total of 17 inches lost of my entire body. I wish I had measured my arm also because I am sure I have lost there also. I may add that as a new measurement this time around.

On a side note, thank you to all of you who have been commenting and giving me your feedback. You will never know how much it means to me. 


  1. I'm geeked after seeing your pictures. I'm starting phase 1 on Monday. I wad ready try something else because I came home from work hungry today. It was my vault, I forgot to pack my vegs for my snack. Well, I'm going to keep going and I'll see you at the end. :)

    1. Tory,

      Thanks for the comment. I am pretty excited myself. Keep it up with PINK, you can do it. I have had a few hard days for precisely the same reason, I didn't plan ahead, pack my snacks etc. It is so important to be prepared. You can do it!

  2. Thanks for taking the time to post all these recipes, Emily. I found it on Facebook: Pink Method Support Group. Great how you have the pictures along with the recipes! I am 1 week into Phase 2. Keep up the great work!!

    1. Zsuzsi,

      I am so glad you found my blog. How are you doing on phase 2? I must be honest I am finding it a challenge and I seem to have hit a plateau on the weight loss. Stay tuned for the update in about a week. -Emily
